Meet our dedicated onsite support team via this page. Please contact everyone in person if you want and ask them about their dedication for Quinten Hosting
Rob Beeren
Chief Operating Officer (CEO)
Rob Beeren
Chief Operating Officer (CEO)
Rob has been active in the hosting business over 15 years starting his fist company in 2003.
Ewald Hollestelle
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Ewald Hollestelle
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Ewald works for Quinten Hosting over 3 years as our Chief Technical Officer (CTO). He is dedicated to provide the highest level of service to our customers.
Samira Wijbenga
Senior Marketing Executive
Samira Wijbenga
Senior Marketing Executive
Samira has been working for Quinten Hosting from their first days in business. She is head of the marketing department and makes sure that Quinten Hosting is available for as many customers as possible.